I was running from them. It surprised me how natural it felt, the heart-pounding suspense, waiting for the moment that they catch me. I almost welcomed getting caught. It was better than the suspense. I heard footsteps. Someone was coming. I dived behind a bush and held my breath. He passed inches in front of me, but luckily didn't stop. I left the bush and ran into another yard. The sprinkler was on. Who keeps the sprinkler on at night? I ran through and made it to yet another backyard. This time their was a cement porch area. To the side their was a window. I saw light coming from it. A girl, an old friend of mine, sat next to the window. As I tried to sneak past she saw me. i quickly put a finger to my lips, signaling her to keep quiet. She went to her back door and let me in. There was a know at the front door and her mother opened it. They were standing there at the door and saw me. I ran for the open window. They were quick and had me in a matter of seconds. I kicked and attempted to scream. One of them punched me in the stomach and gagged me, while hauling me into the car. They stopped the car and I assumed we'd reached our destination. For some reason I couldn't move my legs. Two of the people dragged me by my arms inside. I was taken to a man who told me I was a bioweapen and needed to be used as an assassin. I didn't have a say in the matter. A really cute guy, not much older than me, was to be my mentor. I didn't want to kill anyone, so I ran away. (While I dreamt, I didn't dream up the running away details. So, I leave the imagining up to you. I only know I got caught.) They took me back and beat me up. I had no other option but to kill. I had to give them the money from the person who'd hired us to "take care of buisness". However, I skimmed money off the top and finally had enough to run away with. After that I woke up, so I can only assume that I got away.
~Nudge.::.Twin's Note~
This is the most coherent dream that I have ever had. Never in my life has a dream made this much sense to me.
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